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How can we help?

Thank you for considering Traveling Light Counseling.  We are glad that you are exploring the world of counseling and doing your research regarding this big step.  Let us help you unpack the financial side of things in order to make the process of starting therapy easier.  

One of the top 5 questions that we get when individuals call into our practice revolve around fees.  Following closely behind at times is "Do you take my insurance?"  And I get it.  If insurance and the healthcare industry was like it was 20 years ago that would be a question I would be asking as well in trying to find a provider.  But, a lot has changed in 20 years and the insurance world is ever changing. There are things like Deductibles, Coinsurance, In and Out of Network Providers and Tele-therapy.


Sad thing is that these complexities tend to turn people away from getting the much needed help they desire within the Mental Health world. And, understandably so! But, it doesn't have to be this complex.  We hold the belief that counseling should be about choosing the right fit for your needs, as counseling is a personal journey and everyone's needs are unique.  Clients choose to work with us because they feel we are the right fit for their particular situation and want someone that can relate to their situation and/or specializes in what they are going through.  


We are considered a out-of-network provider in the insurance world.  In simple terms, being an out-of-network provider means we're not directly affiliated with any insurance companies. This means your insurance coverage may vary depending on your specific health plan.  However, some of our clients have been pleasantly surprised, paying only $31 for a session, with their insurance covering the rest. Others may need to meet their deductible first. Your reimbursement really depends on your insurance carrier and the plan you have.


Choosing an out-of-network provider can be necessary, sensible, or even recommended depending on your situation. For instance, you might choose us for specialized care, if we're conveniently located, if you prefer our services, or if we've built a strong therapeutic bond. 


However, if you are wanting to use your in-network benefits it would be best to contact your insurance company directly in order to request the referral list of providers in-network with your insurance plan.  Calling around just to find a therapist in-network with your insurance can become frustrating. 


As an out-of-network provider, we have partnered with Mentaya to help our patients save money on therapy. Use this tool below to see if you qualify for reimbursement for our services through your insurance plan.

Counseling Rates

Individual Counseling

Initial Phone Consultation: $68.00 (30 min)


Initial Intake Appointment: $160.00 (60 min)


Individual Counseling Sessions: 

$115.00 (45 minutes)


Individual Counseling Sessions: 

$135.00 (60 min.)

Yvette's Counseling Rates

Initial Phone Consultation: $76.00 (30 min)

Initial Intake Appointment: $197.00 (75 min)


Individual Counseling Sessions: $157.00 (“therapeutic hour” which can range from 45 to 50 minutes of that hour)

Parenting Coaching Sessions: $182.00 (60 minutes)



Initial Intake Couples/Family Therapy Appointment: 

$280.00 each (90min) 

**3-part assessment scheduled once a week


Couple/Family Sessions: 

$192.00 (60 min)

Discernment Counseling

Discernment Counseling

2-hour intake: $355.00


90 Minutes session: $265.00

Individual Counseling

Frequency and Duration of Services

Frequency and Duration of treatment depend on your treatment needs.  Services can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, as-needed maintenance.  This may fluctuate throughout the duration of treatment. However, we can't highlight enough that therapy is a personal experience

There are a variety of ways to think about the purpose and process of therapy as it is a unique journey for each individual/family. Please consider all the pros and cons as it pertains to you, your family and the current season of life that you’re in.  Only you can make the decision.  Thanks for considering us to meet your therapy/counseling needs.  


Questions to Ask a Potential Counselor

FIT” is one of the biggest factors in whether counseling will be effective. Finding a great counselor can often be a monumental task and for good reason, as you are taking brave steps forward in your life to improve yourself, family or kids and inviting a perfect stranger to do that with.  You should always talk.....


How Does Counseling Work?

Counseling (or therapy, psychotherapy) is the process of meeting with a therapist (or counselor) in order to reduce internal suffering which occurs in the form of problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings and somatic responses (sensations in the body).  In addition, ongoing psychotherapy is a useful means of self-growth and self-discovery....

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

How to Navigate Through Securing Insurance For Counseling

Got to love insurance right?! Insurance can be both a blessing and a curse. I remember in the past when insurance was simpler, cheaper and easier to navigate. Whenever I saw a doctor or did anything medically I just paid my $10 co-pay and that was it. It was amazing! 

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you


1222 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd

Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952



772-492-4478 (fax)

Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs

9:00 am – 6:00 pm

By Appointment ONLY

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